
SAP Audit File to Text

aud2txt is a utility to convert SAP Audit Files to text. A command-line version of SM20. Works for Linux and Windows.


aud2txt (Linux x64) aud2txt (Windows x64)


Run the program on Windows or Linux and pass an audit filename as a parameter.

aud2txt [--global-options] [--format-options] file [ .. file_n]
aud2txt [--other-action]

Global Options:
    --verbose, -v       Verbose mode
Format Options:
    --fixed|delimited   Fixed or delimited fields
    --quotes|no-quotes  Wrap text fields with double quotes
    --sep,     -s <sep> Set a field separator (Default: comma)
    --raw,     -r       Raw output (no conversions)
    --headers, -H       Print header
Other Actions:
    --list,    -l       List the audit record types
    --desc,    -d <t>   Print the description of an audit record type
    --help,    -h       Print this help
    --version, -V       This one is pretty obvious

Get the latest version from:
    wget https://saptools.mx/files/aud2txt-windows.zip  (Windows)
    wget https://saptools.mx/files/aud2txt-linux.zip    (Linux)


What is an SAP audit file?

An SAP audit file is a log file that records all the security-relevant activities in an SAP system. It contains information about user logins, transactions, and other security-related events.

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